Anwar Al-Awlaki

Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico, USA. His parents are from Yemen where he received the early part of his Islamic Education. He has served as an Imam in Colorado, California and Washington DC.He is also the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University. He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University, a M.A. in Education Leadership from San Diego State University and was working on a Doctorate degree in Human Resource Development at George Washington University. Imam Anwar is the author of several very inspiring series including: The Lives of the Prophets, The Hereafter, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq – His Life Times, Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab – His Life and Times, The Life of Muhammad (S) and more.

The End Of Times – The Hereafter (8 Part Series)

The End Of Times – The Hereafter (22 Part Series)

Lives of the Prophets (From Adam to Issa (Jesus) Peace be upom them)

Noh = Noah, Ibrahim = Abraham, Lut = Lot, Yacoub = Jacob, Ismael = Ishmael, Issac = Issac, Yusuf = Joseph, Ayub = Job, Yunus = Jonas, Mousa = Moses, Haroun = Aaron, Yusha = Joshua, Dawood = David, Sulaiman = Solomon, Yehya = John, Mariam = Mary, Issa = Jesus

Prophet Muhammed (SAWS (Peace be upon him)) Makkan Period – Part 1/3

Prophet Muhammed (SAWS (Peace be upon him)) Medina Period 1 – Part 2/3

Prophet Muhammed (SAWS (Peace be upon him)) Medina Period 2 – Part 3/3

Stories From Hadiths

Allah is Preparing us for Victory (2006)

Popular Lectures

Lessons From The Companions

Companions Of The Ditch

Lessons from the life of Prophet Musa (Moses) (alayhis-salam)

Dream Interpretations

Abu Bakr al Siddiq (RA): His Life and Times

Ummar Ibn Alkhataab (RA) – His Life and Times

Other Lectures
