In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Muslim bin Asad related from Asma that she went to the Prophet (SAWS) while he was seated with his Companions. She said, “…I came as an emissary to you from a group of women. Indeed Allah has sent you to both men and women, and we believe in you and in your Lord. Indeed, we women are limited and constrained, though we are the pillars of your houses, from us do you fulfill your desires and lusts, and we also carry your children. Indeed, you men have been favored over us by the congregational Friday prayer and by all other congregational prayers, by visiting the sick, by attending funeral prayers, by performing pilgrimage after pilgrimage, and better than all of that – Jihad in the way of Allah. When men go out to perform Hajj, Umrah, or Jihad, we protect for them their wealth, spin for them their garments, and raise for them their children. Shall we not share with you in this recompense and reward?”
The Prophet (SAWS) turned to his Companions and said, “Have you ever heard any speech of a woman that is more beautiful than this woman’s questioning regarding the affairs of her religion?” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, we never thought that a woman should be guided to something like this.” The Prophet (SAWS) turned to her and said, “Understand this, O woman, and teach this to those women whom you left behind: For a woman to be a good spouse to her husband, for her to seek his pleasure, for her to follow and cooperate with him, is equal to all of that (i.e., all of the rewards that men get for their toils or for the deeds mentioned above).”
She left and was making Tahleel (i.e., she was testifying: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah).
SAWS: May Allah exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection
Gems and Jewels
Compiled by: Abdul-Malik Mujahid
Publisher: Maktaba Dar-us-Salam
ISBN: 9960-897-59-1