Commentary ~ Allah was indeed Pleased with Their Deed!

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

A man went to the Prophet (SAWS) and said, “O Messenger of Allah! Indeed I am extremely hungry.” The Prophet (SAWS) sent a message to one of his wives, asking, “Do you have any food with you?” She said, “No, by the One Who has sent you with the truth, all I have with me is water!” He then sent messages to all of his wives, asking the same question, and the answer of each one of them was, “No, by the One Who has sent you the truth, all we have with us is water.” Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) said to his Companions: “Who will be a host tonight, may Allah have mercy on him?” A man from the Helpers (the Ansar) called Abu Talhah (may Allah be pleased with him) stood and said, “I, O Messenger of Allah.”

He went to his house and asked his wife, “Do you have any food with you?” She said, “All I have with me is a little bit of food for our children.” He said, “Give excuses to them, and try to make them go to sleep! And when our guest comes, make him think we are also eating as he puts his hand forward to eat. Then go to the lamp and pretend that you are fixing it, but instead put it out. And give him the impression that we are eating, so that our guest eats and fills himself.”

She did what her husband asked her to do: she made her children sleep hungry, she placed the food before the guest, she stood to turn the lamp off – but she was giving the impression of simply adjusting the lamp. Then she sat with her husband and with the guest for the meal. They sat idle as the guest ate.

On the following day, he went to Allah’s Messenger (SAWS), who said to him: “Tonight Allah laughed, or wondered at your action.” And then the following Verse was revealed:

“And give them preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that.” (Quran 59:9)

SAWS: May Allah exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection

Gems and Jewels
Compiled by: Abdul-Malik Mujahid
Publisher: Maktaba Dar-us-Salam
ISBN: 9960-897-59-1
Page 108

Hadith ~ Pure hypocrite

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr (May Allah be satisfied with him) ‘The Prophet (May Allah exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection) said: “Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless he gives it up. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays (proves dishonest). Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous. And whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner.” (Bukhari).

Riyaadiss-Saliheen (The Meadows of the Righteous) (Abridged)
By Imam An Nawawi Vol. (2)
Publisher: Dar Al-Manarah
ISBN: 977.6005.23.3
Chapter 257, Page 1026, Number 884

Ayaat 1-11 ~ Ad-Duha (The Forenoon – After Sunrise)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Listen to Recitation

1. By the forenoon (after sun-rise);

2. And by the night when it is still (or darkens);

3. Your Lord (O Muhammad ()) has neither forsaken you nor hated you.

4. And indeed the Hereafter is better for you than the present (life of this world).

5. And verily, your Lord will give you (all i.e. good) so that you shall be well-pleased.

6. Did He not find you (O Muhammad ()) an orphan and gave you a refuge?

7. And He found you unaware (of the Qur’ân, its legal laws, and Prophethood, etc.) and guided you?

8. And He found you poor, and made you rich (selfsufficient with selfcontentment, etc.)?

9. Therefore, treat not the orphan with oppression,

10. And repulse not the beggar;

11. And proclaim the Grace of your Lord (i.e. the Prophethood and all other Graces).

Sura 93. Ad-Duha (The Forenoon – After Sunrise)

Commentary ~ Do not attach Your Heart to Other than Allah

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Imam Ibn Taimiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Anyone whose heart is attached to the creation, hoping for someone from the creation to help him or provide for him or guide him, then his heart submits to them and to the degree that his heart submits to them he becomes their slave. This holds true, even if he is outwardly a ruler or a guardian over those whom he treats as masters. The wise one looks at realities and not at appearances. So if a man’s heart is attached to his wife, even though that is permissible, his heart remains a prisoner to her, and she may rule over him as she pleases – though outwardly he is her master and her husband. In reality, he is her prisoner and her slave, especially if she knows how much he is in need of her and how much he is in love with her and how much he feels that she cannot be replaced by anyone else. At that point, she rules over him as the tyrant master rules over his subjugated slave, who cannot escape or go free. Indeed for the heart to be taken as a prisoner is a much greater matter than for the body to be taken as a slave or prisoner. Even a body that is a slave can have in it a serene and peaceful and happy heart. As for the heart that is slave to other than Allah (the Exalted), then that is true humiliation, imprisonment and slavery.

Gems and Jewels
Compiled by: Abdul-Malik Mujahid
Publisher: Maktaba Dar-us-Salam
ISBN: 9960-897-59-1
Page 195

Ayaat 1-19 ~ Al-A’la (The Most High)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Listen to Recitation

1. Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High,

2. Who has created (everything), and then proportioned it;

3. And Who has measured (preordainments for each and everything even to be blessed or wretched); then guided (i.e. showed mankind the right as well as wrong paths, and guided the animals to pasture);

4. And Who brings out the pasturage,

5. And then makes it dark stubble.

6. We shall make you to recite (the Qur’ân), so you (O Muhammad ()) shall not forget (it),

7. Except what Allâh, may will, He knows what is apparent and what is hidden.

8. And We shall make easy for you (O Muhammad ()) the easy way (i.e. the doing of righteous deeds).

9. Therefore remind (men) in case the reminder profits (them).

10. The reminder will be received by him who fears (Allâh),

11. But it will be avoided by the wretched,

12. Who will enter the great Fire and made to taste its burning,

13. Wherein he will neither die (to be in rest) nor live (a good living).

14. Indeed whosoever purifies himself (by avoiding polytheism and accepting Islâmic Monotheism) shall achieve success,

15. And remembers (glorifies) the Name of his Lord (worships none but Allâh), and prays (five compulsory prayers and Nawâfil additional prayers).

16. Nay, you prefer the life of this world;

17. Although the Hereafter is better and more lasting.

18. Verily! This is in the former Scriptures,

19. The Scriptures of Ibrâhim (Abraham) and Mûsa (Moses).

Sura 87. Al-A’la (The Most High)

Commentary ~ Our Pious Predecessors and Their Dutifulness to Their Parents

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Muhammad bin Sirin related that the price of a date-palm tree was as high as 1000 dirhams during the period of ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan (may Allah be pleased with him). Once during that period, Usamah went to a date-palm tree that belonged to him, pierced it, and took out its palm pirth. Then he went and gave it to his mother to eat. People said to him, “What made you do this when you know that the price of a date-palm tree has reached 1000 dirhams?” He said, “My mother asked me for it (for the palm pirth), and she has never asked me for anything that I was able to give her except that I gave it to her.”

Gems and Jewels
Compiled by: Abdul-Malik Mujahid
Publisher: Maktaba Dar-us-Salam
ISBN: 9960-897-59-1
Page 172

Hadith ~ Observe the rights of the way

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Narrated Abu-Sa-eed Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him); ‘The Prophet (SAWS) said: “Avoid sitting on the roads (path ways). The people said: “There is no feasible alternative to it. We chat and discuss our affairs during it.’ The Prophet (SAWS) said: “As long as there is no escape from it so, observe the rights of the way.’ They asked; ‘What are the rights of the way?’ He said: “They are lowering of your gazes (avoiding gazing at people lustfully or mockingly), refraining from harming people, returning greetings, enjoining what is just and forbidding what is unjust.” (Bukhari)

SAWS: May Allah exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection

Riyaadiss-Saliheen (The Meadows of the Righteous) (Abridged)
By Imam An Nawawi Vol. (2)
Publisher: Dar Al-Manarah
ISBN: 977.6005.23.3
Chapter 270, Page 1056, Number 912